

来源:太原雅思托福英语培训学校 发布时间:2016/1/29 13:36:31

PART 1较新高频考题Top10直接登录口语高频系统输入题号查看

No.80 Work and Study No.84Photo

No.101 reading No.96 Handwriting

No.32 Names No.4 computers

No.113 Hanging out with friends No.12Holidays

No.10Handcrafts No.42Transportation

Part 2较新高频考题Top10直接登录口语高频系统输入题号查看

No.302 改变计划 Describe one time when the weather changed your plan

No.307 共进晚餐 Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

No.299 一场梦境 Describe a dream you had

No.308 初尝运动 Describe a sport you would like to try

No.312 怀旧歌曲 Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life

No.311 本地新闻 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.

No.314 先进个人 Describe a person you know that had made a contribution to thesocial

No.233 开车旅行 Describe a long car journey or trip

No.289 重要谈话 Describe an important conversation

No.310有趣小说 Describe an interesting novel or story.



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